Sunday, November 14, 2004

There's Something About Arnold

While perusing Drudge earlier today, I stumbled across this little blurb about commercials that will soon be airing in California urging support for an amendment to the United States Constitution that would allow foreign-born people (such as Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger) to stand as candidates for the Presidency.

The 'Wonks predict that this effort will go nowhere. Every time someone mentions even a sensible change to the Constitution, (The abolition of the dangerous and outdated electoral college, for example.) the proposal is immediately "shot-down" amid howls of "We can't tinker with the Constitution!"

Please don't get us wrong, we don't think that the Constitution should be easy to change. But when it becomes impossible, then it is no longer a "living document." It becomes one that in written in stone. The result is that the meaning of any such "dead" document largely depends upon who is interpreting it.

This is what is happening at the present time. Activist judges have been "interpreting" the intent of the Founding Fathers. These same legislating judges will say this or that "right" is in the Constitution based on the notion of "evolving standards." Here at the 'Wonks, we consider this notion to be nonsense.

This is how we get ridiculous concepts like a woman's "Constitutional" right to abortion-on-demand.

Our Prediction: There will be no amendment, because It Has Been Decreed that the people can't tinker with the Constitution. That's what judges do. As for the idea of President Schwarzenegger, one of his charms is that (unlike most governors) he is not angling for the Presidency. That's one reason why we like him so much.