Debra Beasley Lafave's Husband Tells All
Ex-Teacher D. Lafave

For those that might not be familiar with the sorry tale, Debra Lafave is an ex-middle school teacher that is accused of engaging in sexual relations with one of her 14-year-old male students. (For our earlier profile of Debra Lafave, [with additional photos] please click here.) The alleged encounters happened in Lafave's SUV and in her home.
Debra Lafave was employed as a full-time reading teacher at Greco Middle School, in the city of Temple Terrace, (near Tampa) Florida.
She was arrested in June of last year and charged with two counts of "lewd and lascivious battery," and one count of "lewd and lascivious exhibition." (See the arrest documents by clicking here.) Lafave was then freed on a relatively modest bail of $25,000. (Ed.--Just imagine the bail if she had been a man.) She has entered a plea of "not guilty due to insanity." (Duh.) (Ed.--She may be insane, but she is probably guilty of child rape.)
Owen Lafave, Debra's husband, was interviewed for "the full hour" on tonight's Larry King. As usual, King served him the softball-type questions for which he has become
- He has filed papers seeking a divorce.
- Owen Lafave indicated that there were no "sexual inadequacies" on his part.
- According to Owen, they were both happy newly-weds, with the type of "sex life" that would be considered typical for newlyweds.
- He said that he had met his wife's 14-year old victim once.
- Debra Lafave's parents (Owen's in-laws) are angry with him because he has not "stood by her."
- He is living alone in the town-home that they had bought together.
- Owen Lafave has dated, but is not dating anyone now.
I was curious why Owen Lafave would go on nation-wide television in order to tell his side of the story. But now I know the answer; it was for publicity. Owen Lafave is associated with a documentary film that is being made about the incident. The tentative title for this film is "After School: A study of the disturbing trend of teachers having sex with their students." You can see the documentary's website by clicking here.
We affirm that Mr. Lafave and his associates have the right to make this film. Having said that, we do not like the idea of any person or persons profiting from any crime, but especially crimes involving children.
On the other hand, maybe this picture might help parents understand the "danger signs" that are often present when one of these predators begins stalking his or her victim. Therefore, parents may then be able to intervene and spare their child the sort of long-term damage that undoubtedly has been caused to Lafave's alleged victim.
And in that context, the film may have some redeeming value.
Update: (11/22/05) Debra Lafave has now copped a plea; there will be no prison time.
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