Saturday, November 06, 2004

Hillary Watch: Reporting For Duty

Here She Is...
The Countess Of Chappaqua is the most immediate beneficiary of Kerry's defeat at the hands of the electorate. Unlike Kerry, however, there is little (if any) paper trail that can be used against her. Similar to one of those huge McCaw parrots, she occasionally says something interesting, but mostly she just makes a lot of noise.

Wasting no time, (and neither are we here at the 'Wonks) Hillary is already positioning herself for the '08 election. She is at all the "right" parties, has all the "right" opinions. Rodham-Clinton is careful not to get too involved in anything that might actually produce a result, for which she could be held accountable.

In an hour-long speech yesterday,
her "husband," Bill Clinton, told all of us why Bush won. Bill Clinton is the ultimate Hillary surrogate. Saying that Democrats, "Need a clear national message," Clinton said that Democrats lost because the Republicans, "Had a clear message."

Before we know it, Hillary will be saying something that will sound cute. It will be along the lines of, "How much longer are Republicans going to be against health care for kids?"

Her utterances will be about kids, the family, social security, and health care. You can bet on it.