From The Registry Of Bad Administrators: No First Day
Who, Me?

The school, just a stone's throw from Capital Hill, cancelled the first day of classes because some 900 students did not have.....schedules. Nobody knew to which class they were supposed to report. The excuse offered to parents that day was that there was a "computer failure."
There must have been a failure of leadership too, because earlier this month Acting Superintendent Robert Rice not only fired Eastern's principal Norman Smith, but he also sacked Assistant Superintendent (in charge of high schools) Juan Baughn, and Technology Specialist Henry Thompson.
This is a rare case of a school system's bureaucracy being held accountable and suffering a consequence for its lack of performance.
There is obviously a Technology Failure in the D.C. school system because none of the schools seem to have a web site, much less on-line photograph, and your EdWonk searched diligently for any picture of either the school or any of the people involved in this story.
The EdWonk is curious and wants to see what else is going on in our Capital's school system.
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