Let There Be Carnivals!

For extra credit, checkout what the homies are up to over at this week's edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling.
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U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings has begun the push for the reauthorization of The No Child Left Behind Act:
U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings kicked off a national dialogue today in Chicago with top business leaders, students, teachers, and school officials to promote Building on Results: A Blueprint for Strengthening the No Child Left Behind Act. The Secretary's visit to Chicago comes on the heels of President Bush's call in his State of the Union Address for Congress to reauthorize the law.Read the whole press release.
"Higher standards and greater accountability, more rigorous coursework for high school students, and innovative, new options and choices for families are the core components to ensuring that all students are able to learn and achieve,"
Students and staff of a Baghdad girls school have been caught up in the crossfire of the Iraqi Civil War:
Mortar shells rained down Sunday on a girls' secondary school in a mostly Sunni area of western Baghdad, killing four pupils and wounding 21, witnesses and police said. At least seven other people died in a series of bombings and shootings across the capital.In an effort to protect their children from the increasing violence, many Iraqi parents are now keeping their children home rather than permitting them to attend classes.
The mortar attack occurred about 11 a.m. at the Kholoud Secondary School in the Adil neighborhood of western Baghdad. Several projectiles exploded in the courtyard of the school, shattering windows in the classrooms and spraying pupils with shards of glass. Pools of blood smeared the stone steps and walkways.
Hours after the attack, grieving parents wept as the bodies of the victims were placed inside wooden coffins.
It was unclear who fired the mortars, but the area has been the scene of reprisal attacks by Sunni and Shiite extremists that have persisted as U.S. and Iraqi soldiers prepare for a massive security crackdown.
A Warwick, Rhode Island Catholic school has adopted a new policy requiring students to be silent while they eat their lunch:
A Roman Catholic elementary school adopted new lunchroom rules this week requiring students to remain silent while eating. The move comes after three recent choking incidents in the cafeteria.There's more to read over there.
No one was hurt, but the principal of St. Rose of Lima School explained in a letter to parents that if the lunchroom is loud, staff members cannot hear a child choking.
Christine Lamoureux, whose 12-year-old is a sixth-grader at the school, said she respects the safety issue but thinks the rule is a bad idea.
"They are silent all day," she said. "They have to get some type of release." She suggested quiet conversation be allowed during lunch.
Another mother, Thina Paone, does not mind the silent lunches, noting that the cafeteria "can be very crazy" at the suburban school south of Providence.
Principal Jeannine Fuller did not immediately return a call seeking comment, but a spokesman for the Diocese of Providence described the silence rule as a temporary safety measure.
Spokesman Michael Guilfoyle said the school does not expect complete silence but enough quiet to keep students safe.
Lori Healey, a teacher at the school who also has a son in third grade, said "silent lunch" means students can whisper.
One would have to be a Saint in order to go and serve in the public schools of hurricane-crime-corrupt-and-poverty-ridden New Orleans:
Wanted: Idealistic teachers looking for a Peace Corps-style adventure in a city in distress.Read the whole thing.
Some of New Orleans' most desperate, run-down schools are beset with a severe shortage of teachers, and they are struggling mightily to attract candidates by appealing to their sense of adventure and desire to make a difference. Education officials are even offering to help new teachers find housing.
"There's been an incredible outpouring of sympathy toward New Orleans. We feel we're trying to say, 'Here's a clear path to go down if you want to act on that emotion,"' said Matthew Candler, chief executive of the nonprofit New Schools for New Orleans, which is trying to recruit teachers.
The school system in New Orleans was in desperate condition even before Hurricane Katrina struck 17 months ago, with crumbling buildings, low test scores and high dropout rates.
After the storm, some of the worst of the worst public schools were put under state control, and those are the ones finding it particularly hard to attract teachers. The 19 schools in the state-run Recovery School District have 8,580 students and about 540 teachers, or about 50 fewer than they need. About 300 students who want to enroll have been put on a waiting list until another school opens.
"Recruiting is a challenge," said Kevin George, principal of Rabouin High School in downtown New Orleans. "The housing market is terrible. The area has a poor image due to the violence. ... And then there's just coming into a place that historically had just a terrible track record of education."
For example, most educational programs and curricula are poorly designed. Teacher designed curricula are some of the worst offenders in this regard because teachers are novices when it comes to curricular design. They will unwittingly reveal this when they say things like the frequent canard that "not all programs work with all kids." That's unwitting code for "I don't know a thing about instructional design."As a parent, practicing educator, or interested citizen, have you ever considered how much instructional time a child loses (while in school) during the course of an entire year? Thespis Journal has, and the result may very well come as a surprise to most.
And one of the most surprising and disturbing things that I learned was that it is not the job of the special ed. department to help children like Girl with 88 IQ. Did you just say, "What?" or maybe, "She doesn't know what she's talking about!" Well, it was explained to me that the job of the special ed. department is to help children with learning disabilities. (Evidently, low intelligence by itself is not a learning disability.When it comes to teaching young children, don't forget the fun that can be had with poetry, and especially Lewis Carroll's immortal "Jabberwocky." (Disc. We're BIG Carroll fans; see the quote at the top of this page.)
The Taliban is announcing that it will open its own peculiar type of "school" throughout Afghanistan:
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- The Taliban said it will open its own schools in areas of southern Afghanistan under its control, an apparent effort to win support among local residents and undermine the Western-backed government's efforts to expand education.Not too long ago, the Taliban (and their hate-filled ideology) was in full retreat.
The announcement follows a violent campaign by the fundamentalist Islamic group against state schools in the five years since its ouster by U.S.-led forces. The Taliban destroyed 200 schools and killed 20 teachers last year, and President Hamid Karzai said Sunday that 200,000 children had been driven from the classroom.
Abdul Hai Muthmahien, the purported chief spokesman for the militants, said the group will begin providing Islamic education to students in March in at least six southern provinces, funded by $1 million from the Taliban's ruling council.
He said education would be available to boys first and later to girls, but he did not explain if there had been a change in Taliban thinking about schooling girls. During its rule, it banned girls from schools in Kabul, the capital, although elsewhere it sometimes permitted their schooling until age 8, but only to study the Koran.
"The U.S. and its allies are doing propaganda against the Taliban," Muthmahien said via telephone from an undisclosed location late Saturday. "The Taliban are not against education. The Taliban want Shariah [Islamic] education."
The UN mission in Afghanistan derided the announcement, saying it could not be taken seriously.
A student-loan company improperly collects millions in fees. Instead of prosecuting the villains and forcing them to pay restitution, the U.S. Department of Education lets the malefactors keep the money:
The Bush administration reached an accord with a student loan company that will let it keep $278 million in subsidies that the inspector general of the Education Department found improper, the department said yesterday.Read the whole sorry thing.
Under the agreement, the department will suspend future payments of more than $800 million, in addition to the $278 million paid to the company, Nelnet, until an audit determines whether the company was eligible for the money.
The inspector general’s office said Nelnet billing practices could lead to its receiving that much in overpayments.
Under Secretary of Education Sara Martinez Tucker said the department had decided not to recover past payments because such a precedent might require it to pursue other loan companies, too, possibly driving smaller ones out of business and reducing borrowing options.
USA Today reports that the U.S. Department of Education thinks it has identified the "most dangerous schools in America." But they aren't located where one might expect them to be:
WASHINGTON — The schools identified as the nation's most dangerous during the past five years can't be found in Los Angeles, Chicago or most of America's other urban centers.Heh. Maybe the folks who
They're in communities such as Vineland, N.J., Augusta, Ga., and Todd County, S.D.
The federal No Child Left Behind Act requires states to identify "persistently dangerous" schools and give parents the option of moving their children to other schools. But it gives so much leeway to states and school districts that only those schools diligent about reporting ever come close to making the list.
States can penalize districts by withholding money if they don't do enough to improve safety.
What's evolved, safety experts say, is a system where states have made it very hard for schools to be classified as unsafe and schools can report incidents as they see fit. Fewer than 100 of the nation's 90,000-plus public schools have ever been slapped with the label since the law took effect in 2002. Although studies indicate school crime has been declining since the 1990s, many experts say schools underreport incidents.
"It's unfair," said Allan Bernardini, a school board member in Vineland, a working-class city in southern New Jersey where Solve D'Ippolito Intermediate School made the list two consecutive years before coming off in July. "Generally, we have good children in Vineland. We got 10,000 kids in the district and maybe 75 that give you a problem."
He said the school got on the list because administrators wrote everything down: "hair pulling, punching, wrestling on the ground." They got off by improving discipline, implementing new safety programs involving students and redefining what incidents are serious enough to be reported, district officials said.
No Child Left Behind requires schools to test their students, improve teacher training and provide free after-school tutoring. It also includes a lesser-known provision directing states to draw up safety standards but leaves it up to them to decide what is a dangerous school and how to enforce it.
It has produced a mishmash of definitions.
Defining 'persistently dangerous'
Gannett News Service contacted the education agency in every state and most said their schools would get the "persistently dangerous" label if reported crime reaches a certain level for three consecutive years. Most concentrate on reporting serious incidents, such as murder, rape and assault. Few mention bullying, though safety experts say it's a big problem in many schools. And many say incidents that happen on the school bus should be counted.
But the similarities end there.
A school with 1,000 students in Colorado would be labeled dangerous if it reported at least 180 serious incidents per year for two straight years. In Massachusetts, a school is considered dangerous if a student is expelled three straight years for bringing a gun or if at least 1.5% of the student body is expelled or suspended for more than 45 days. Wisconsin schools earn the distinction if, for three straight years, they suspend at least 5% of the student body for weapons-related offenses or expel 1% for "assault/endangering behavior" or weapons.
These policies are aimed largely at urban schools, where security precautions — X-ray machines, cameras and police officers — are in place. The irony, school safety experts say, is that the schools where the bloodiest shootings have occurred, notably Columbine High in the well-to-do Denver suburb of Littleton, Colo., where 12 students and one teacher were killed in 1999, would almost never qualify.
More problematic is the reporting.
The stigma of a "persistently dangerous" label is enough to keep most schools from being completely honest, said Beverly Caffee Glenn, executive director of the Hamilton Fish Institute on School and Community Violence at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
"There's realty prices to be considered. Would you want to move into a school district where you knew it was unsafe?" said Glenn, referring to the importance schools have on home values. "There's also the issue: Do you want to be the principal of a school where you can't control your kids?"
A U.S. Department of Education committee is exploring the issue and may recommend changes when Congress takes up reauthorization of the law this year. So far, members have debated whether to reword the "persistently dangerous" label to something less negative such as "safe schools option" so schools might be more willing to report incidents.
Accountability at issue
Alan Bersin, a former federal prosecutor who just stepped down as California's education secretary, said the entire issue should be re-examined. None of his state's roughly 9,000 public schools have ever made the list.
"There's a problem with the way the question's being asked, the standard that has been given and the reporting," he said.
Paul Vallas, who once ran Chicago's school system, says at least a few of that city's schools should be tagged as dangerous. As Philadelphia's current school system chief, Vallas has directed schools to report any serious incident that happens on school grounds — no matter the time or day. They also must report any incident involving a student traveling to and from school.
The result: 29 different city schools have made the list since 2002-03, though only nine are still on the list. No district has logged more.
"I would rather be aggressive about identifying schools that do not have satisfactory school climates rather than somehow try to get around the mandate because other states aren't being aggressive about enforcing the mandate or setting the standard," he said.
New York state added 17 schools to its list in August after state auditors found severe under-reporting of incidents at most of the districts they examined.
One that wasn't added to the list was White Plains High School, which has never been tagged as "persistently dangerous." The school reported 22 serious incidents to the state for the 2003-2004 school year, even though school records indicated there were 289 others unreported, including 35 assaults with physical injury and one sexual assault.
David Fattah, a community activist in west Philadelphia who has worked to make "persistently dangerous" Overbrook High safer said the term hurts even though he knows the school has made great strides.
"I just really feel as though these labels need to be kind of put in perspective," he said. "I want to hear (students) say: 'I want to go to Overbrook, Mr. Fattah, can you help me out? I don't want to hear them say 'Overbrook' like we're talking about Iraq."
One of California's legislators wants to ban the spanking of children by parents:
The state Legislature is about to weigh in on a question that stirs impassioned debate among moms and dads: Should parents spank their children?I wonder what the penalty would be for spanking a state legislator for wasting the publics' time and money on asinine legislation?
Assemblywoman Sally Lieber, D-Mountain View, wants to outlaw spanking children up to 3 years old. If she succeeds, California would become the first state in the nation to explicitly ban parents from smacking their kids.
Making a swat on the behind a misdemeanor might seem a bit much for some -- and the chances of the idea becoming law appear slim, at best -- but Lieber begs to differ.
``I think it's pretty hard to argue you need to beat a child 3 years old or younger,'' Lieber said. ``Is it OK to whip a 1-year-old or a 6-month-old or a newborn?''
The bill, which is still being drafted, will be written broadly, she added, prohibiting ``any striking of a child, any corporal punishment, smacking, hitting, punching, any of that.'' Lieber said it would be a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail or a fine up to $1,000, although a legal expert advising her on the proposal said first-time offenders would probably only have to attend parenting classes.
Some 50 years after the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed racial segregation in public schools, community leaders in Newark, New Jersey are saying that segregation still exists:
Children in New Jersey schools are racially isolated, a harmful state of affairs that deserves action, according to educators, advocates, lawyers and African-American community leaders who discussed the issue during a symposium Wednesday at Essex County College.Peske's quote, "What we now know is that student demographics matter much less than the quality of the teacher that stands in front of the class," says it so well.
"The key is, What are we going to do about it?" asked moderator Bob Pickett, a former counselor to Gov. Jim Florio. "Nothing will happen if we simply stand by."
Better teachers, improving pay, expanding charter schools and considering regional districts were among the partial remedies explored during wide-ranging discussions at the event, which was organized by Excellent Education for Everyone, or E3, a school-choice advocacy group based in Newark and Camden.
The state constitution has prohibited public-school segregation since 1947, but it persists because of residential segregation and a patchwork of 617 small school districts. A 2001 study by the Harvard Civil Rights Project ranked New Jersey's schools the fourth most-segregated in the United States. In Passaic's public schools, white children numbered 208 out of 12,321 students during the 2005-06 school year. In Franklin Lakes that year, 52 out of 1,741 students were black or Latino.
"This state has promised to do what's necessary to reform public schools, and brothers and sisters, it simply has not happened," said the Rev. Reginald T. Jackson, executive director of the Black Ministers Council of New Jersey.
Panelists questioned why parents have not protested widely after years of low test scores at schools with large numbers of minority students. Although the state's graduation rate of 84.5 percent is the nation's highest, rates at urban high schools are often far below that. At Eastside High School in Paterson, the rate is about 60 percent.
"Where is the rage?" asked Peter Denton, who co-founded E3 in 1999 with Cory Booker, who now is the mayor of Newark. Dropouts are "sentenced to jail, drug addiction centers, at best low-wage jobs, or death -- because we cannot educate them."
Teacher quality is one key to student achievement, and it is often overlooked, said Heather Peske of the Education Trust, an advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.
"What we now know is that student demographics matter much less than the quality of the teacher that stands in front of the class," she said, noting that students at high-poverty schools are twice as likely to have an inexperienced teachers compared with other schools.
And now it's New York City's Mayor Michael Bloomberg's turn to attempt the reform of New York City's public education system:
With the city’s fiscal health better than it has been in years, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said today he would focus new energy on reforming the city’s sprawling school system, beginning with empowering school principals and reigning in a teacher tenure system that some critics have said guarantees lifetime jobs to some bad teachers.Read all of it right here.
The mayor announced his proposals to improve the public school system, along with a package of $1.1 billion in tax cuts that he said New Yorkers had earned through their belt tightening since the attack on the World Trade Center towers dealt a blow to the city’s economy.
The mayor said he would cut property taxes by roughly 5 percent and eliminate the city sales tax on clothing and footwear after a year in which New York has managed to lower its unemployment rate, increase its tax revenues and build on efficiencies in city government.
“I believe that a good portion of the surplus revenues we anticipate in the current fiscal year should go back to the New Yorkers who made sure that the city’s recovery from 9/11 exceeded our wildest dreams,” Mr. Bloomberg said in Brooklyn in his State of the City address to City Council members and civic leaders.
But the mayor said that the city’s overall economic future needs strong public schools.
“I’ve always said that our first priority is improving education,” he said.
He said that while on-time graduation rates are now “the highest in 20 years,” and scores in reading and math achievement tests have gone up, there is still much work to be done. Black and Latino students were closing the yawning gap in test scores compared to their white counterparts, he said, but still lagged behind. More than half of black and Latino students are not performing at grade level, he said.
“If that’s not reversed, too many of our children will face dead-end futures in a highly competitive global economy,” he said.
Four years ago, as part of his takeover of the city’s school system, Mr. Bloomberg helped create a system of 10 regional superintendents to oversee the old system of 32 local school districts.
But since the start of the mayor’s second term, Schools Chancellor Joel I. Klein has pushed to reduce the role of the regional superintendents, giving wider authority to principals. Today Mr. Bloomberg announced that the regional superintendent offices would be eliminated “now that their job is done.”
The 32 community superintendents will report directly to the chancellor, he said, and “each school will be able to pick the path that’s best for its students, parents and teachers. The money we save by downsizing our bureaucracy will go directly back to the schools.”
He also said that schools would be required to issue annual “user friendly reports” that will be sent to parents, grading each school with a grade of A to F “to hold the principals’ feet to the fire.”
With the help of the powerful teachers union, the United Federation of Teachers, Mr. Bloomberg said he would put into place a new system of teacher evaluations that would allow officials to “reward teacher excellence and begin to eliminate mediocrity.
The current tenure system, he said, rewards longevity over teacher performance.
“We must do a better job of keeping teachers who are effective instructors but at same time we must make sure that ineffective teachers are not awarded the privilege of tenure and the near-lifetime job security that comes with it.”
A school bus has crashed in Grant Country, Kentucky, severely injuring three students.
Joanne Jacobs:
Under a new principal, a Teach for America grad, Bunche Elementary raised its scores to the top 30 percent in the state. The school, located in an LA suburb, didn’t receive any extra state money to fund the turn around. Instead, the principal redirected existing funding for priorities such as paying teachers to tutor after school. The LA Times explains Bunche’s strategy.There's much more over at Jacobs' place.
1. Begin with classroom discipline. In her first year, Principal Mikara Solomon Davis issued more than 100 suspensions at the school of 467 students. Many of the suspensions are served in school, so students are removed from their classrooms but their work still is supervised.
2. Hire carefully. Applicants write an essay explaining their teaching philosophy and how it would boost test scores. They must demonstrate lessons with students in front of administrators, other teachers and parents. They’re also asked if they’re willing to tutor outside of regular class time.
Students in Hawaii are doing what they can in order to save energy:
HONOLULU (AP) _ Fourteen public schools will compete to see how much electricity they can save in the next six months.In our school district here in California's so-called "Imperial" Valley, the on-campus saving of energy is not a campus concern, even though we live in a desert. Several years ago, the powers-that-be had the thermostats removed from each and every teacher's classroom in order to save money. Temperatures are now supposedly controlled by a central office in San Diego, over 100 miles away.
The best techniques will then be mandated throughout the school system next year.
Half of the savings at each location will also be returned to the school.
The effort is part of a large energy savings and conservation initiative launched by the governor last year.
The Department of Education hopes to see energy use cut by as much as 35 percent over the next five years.
The department paid 31-million dollars on electricity last year at its 258 public schools.
Assistant superintendent Randy Moore says the students are learning ways to save energy.
The United States Department of Education has now mandated that high school cheerleading squads must now cheer as enthusiastically for girls as they traditionally have for the boys:
WHITNEY POINT, N.Y. — Thirty girls signed up for the cheerleading squad this winter at Whitney Point High School in upstate New York. But upon learning they would be waving their pompoms for the girls’ basketball team as well as the boys’, more than half of the aspiring cheerleaders dropped out.Read the whole piece.
The eight remaining cheerleaders now awkwardly adjust their routines for whichever team is playing here on the home court — “Hands Up You Guys” becomes “Hands Up You Girls”— to comply with a new ruling from federal education officials interpreting Title IX, the law intended to guarantee gender equality in student sports.
“It feels funny when we do it,” said Amanda Cummings, 15, the cheerleading co-captain, who forgot the name of a female basketball player mid-cheer last month.
Whitney Point is one of 14 high schools in the Binghamton area that began sending cheerleaders to girls’ games in late November, after the mother of a female basketball player in Johnson City, N.Y., filed a discrimination complaint with the United States Department of Education. She said the lack of official sideline support made the girls seem like second-string, and violated Title IX’s promise of equal playing fields for both sexes.
But the ruling has left many people here and across the New York region booing, as dozens of schools have chosen to stop sending cheerleaders to away games, as part of an effort to squeeze all the home girls’ games into the cheerleading schedule.
Boys’ basketball boosters say something is missing in the stands at away games, cheerleaders resent not being able to meet their rivals on the road, and even female basketball players being hurrahed are unhappy.
In Johnson City, students and parents say they have accepted the change even as they question the need for it.
Several cheerleaders there recalled a game two years ago, long before the complaint, when the squad decided at the last minute to cheer for the girls’ team because a boys’ game was canceled.
The cheers drowned out directions from the girls’ coach, frustrated the players, and created so much tension that the cheerleaders left before halftime.
“They asked, ‘Why are you here?’ ” recalled Joquina Spence, 18, a senior cheerleader. “We told them, ‘We’re here to support you,’ and it was a problem because they kept yelling at us.”
But, as the New York State Public High School Athletic Association warned in a letter to its 768 members in November, the education department determined that cheerleaders should be provided “regardless of whether the girls’ basketball teams wanted and/or asked for” them.