Sunday, June 11, 2006

An Unfortunate Truth

Polski has discovered one of public education's dirty little secrets: for all too-many school administrators, it just doesn't matter:
We had our "last week of school" staff meeting this afternoon. At this meeting, we were given a multipage, legal sized list of all the 8th graders who will not be going through promotion solely due to earning at least one 'F' in a class or by having a gpa of under 2.0. Upon further inquiry, it was reveled that this list is solely base on this current semester.
In our 900-student junior high school, fewer than 5 students will be retained in spite of the fact that over 200 will have multiple "Fs" on their report cards and score "far-below basic," in reading and math on their standardized tests.

Social promotion is very much alive and well in this part of Southern California.
See our education-related entries right here.