How Can This Be Prevented?

One thing that we find particularly puzzling is the fact that most of these teachers have been married while allegedly committing their crimes. Margaret De Barraicua continues the pattern.SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A teaching intern (Ed's Note: In California, an "intern" is a full-time teacher working on an emergency permit.) is accused of having an illegal sexual relationship with her male student, while her toddler sat nearby.
Police in Sacramento said they found Margaret De Barraicua, 30, having sex with a 16-year-old male student in her car over the weekend. They were parked behind an elementary school and police said the woman's toddler was also in the car, strapped into a car seat in the back.
De Barraicua has been placed on paid leave.
Police say she and the teenager had what they describe as an "ongoing consensual sexual relationship for several months." The teenager was in a language and arts class that the woman had taught since September.
De Barraicua is married. Her toddler was released to her husband.
This seems to be happening more and more. Why are so many teachers committing these acts with their students, and what can we do as educators and parents to prevent it from happening again?
For The Carnival Of Education: Week 3 please click here.
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