Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Extra Credit Assignment: Bloggers Banquet

This is what some of the various writers from around the 'Sphere have been taking a look at in the last few days. The topics addressed are as varied as the writers that addressed them. Take a little of this, or a little of that. Think of it as a "Bloggers Banquet."

Digger, over at his Realm, is
letting us know that there is to be an Immigration Reform Rally in Redondo Beach on Saturday, January 15th. The gathering will be at the Civic Center from 10AM-2PM. The purpose of the rally is to show support for the enforcement of our immigration and naturalization laws.

Caltechgirl over at Not Exactly Rocket Science is participating in a very worthy effort. She links to a site that is sponsoring a "comment-a-thon" that is raising money for breast cancer research. Each comment results in a donation. Consider investing a few moments for a worthy purpose.

Pandora's Siren's Song has some thoughts about the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for Attorney General. I must say the we here at the 'Wonks agree with her.

David Anderson's In Search Of Utopia
is celebrating a milestone. (Think about a fast trip over to his site and dropping him a well-earned comment.)

Jeff's Beautiful Atrocities
has an absolutely hilarious piece about the most secure jobs sinecures in the 21st century. (The only one missing is: Director of the United Nations Project to Save the Endangered North American Desert Penguin.)

The Pirate
has the low-down on the new addition to the First Family.

Joe, over at The Moderate Voice,
takes an in-depth look at the nominee for Director of Homeland Security and likes what he sees.

Hyscience takes CBS executive Mary Mapes
to task over Rather Gate.

Rob at The Kommentariat
has a very poignant cartoon that compares Arab and Western charity towards the victims of the recent tsunami.

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