The Carnival Of Education: Week 199

Unless clearly labeled otherwise, all entries this week were submitted by the writers themselves.
Folks interested in hosting a future edition of the C.O.E. should please let us know via this email address: owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net.
Visit the C.O.E.'s early archives here, later archives there, and our latest entries here.
Next Week's Carnival will be hosted over at Learn Me Good. Contributors are invited to use this handy submission form. Entries should be received no later than 8:00 PM (Eastern) 5:00 PM (Pacific) Tuesday, December 2, 2008. Please include the title of your post, and its URL, if possible. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the midway should open next Wednesday.
Special Note: Due to various scheduling conflicts related to the holiday we are presenting this week's midway "in the raw." That is to say, we'll be posting all submissions received via Blog Carnival's submission form without editing and with little or no commentary on our part.
So you might think of this particular roundup as a banquet where diners are invited to take their chances and eat a little of this and a little of that.
We apologize to our readers and hope that our next effort is more worthy.
Let the free exchange of thoughts and ideas begin!
Mark Pullen presents Teaching As Reframing posted at The Elementary Educator, saying, "Thanks so much for hosting!"
char presents Using Hummor at Exam Time: With guest blogger Dan Brantly posted at PSI Tutor: Academic Mentor.
Dan Callahan presents First Quarter Postmortem posted at geek.teacher.
One Language presents Learn English Articles » Blog Archive » Using a Thesaurus to Learn English posted at Learn English Articles, saying, "Why a theasaurus can be very helpful when you're trying to learn English."
richas solis presents Research Paper Methodology for Your Thesis posted at Blog: guide on how to write essays, courseworks, dissertations, assignments. Essay help, Dissertation Assistance, GCSE Coursework, saying, "Many times we hear that writing a dissertation will involve the creation of methodology. This is the chapter that will involve the presentation of different types of methods to gather data and how the research was actually implemented."
Sean Nash presents How do you spell constructivism? posted at nashworld.
Sean Nash presents Blogging: Building Bridges Within The Brain? nashworld posted at nashworld.
Sean Nash presents And what do we teach our children? posted at nashworld.
Sean Nash presents The Art & Science of Questioning (ok, mostly the art) posted at nashworld.
bren Boyd presents brenboyd posted at FaithAllen.
Larry Ferlazzo presents The Best Places To Learn About Christmas, Hanukkah, & Kwanzaa Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... posted at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites Of The Day For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL.
bookfundas presents The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics: DOWNLOAD eBOOK NOW..! posted at, saying, "Continuing in the tradition of its best-selling predecessors, this updated dictionary of electronics terms covers a broader range of subjects in an easier-to-use format than any other source of its kind. No comparable reference offers such a vast range of definitions, abbreviations, acronyms, illustrations, schematics, diagrams, and conversion tables. More than 28,000 definitions–plus over 1,000 clear and functional illustrations–make the Eighth Edition the ultimate reference for technicians, hobbyists, and students."
bookfundas presents Visual Basic for Electronics Engineering Applications: 5.0, 6.0, Vba, .Net, 2005 - DOWNLOAD eBOOK NOW..! posted at, saying, "The goal of this book is to show you how you can write your own programs using Visual Basic. However, this is not ?just another? book on VB. The target group of this book is people building test setups in R&D environments.This book covers all the basic concept of visual basic programming and is extremely useful for designing computer interface systems using visual basic.The book deals with all the hardware and software interfacing techniques and all the example programs written included in the download."
Mrs. Chili presents Edges posted at A Teacher's Education.
Tracy Rosen presents How is this normal? posted at Leading From The Heart, saying, "We spend so much time focusing on the end product that process becomes entangled with it."
Mathew Needleman presents Five Reasons Why We Aren’t We Integrating Technology in School posted at Open Court Blog.
ANDREA HERMITT presents Education Examiner: Go to college free at these tuition-free colleges posted at Education Examiner at
Jim presents Student Loan Deferment vs. Forbearance posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
College Degrees presents Foreign Credential Evaluations: Know What you Need posted at The Degree People, saying, "If you received a foreign degree and are seeking the U.S. equivalency, you will need a foreign credentials evaluation.Make sure you know that the evaluation you are ordering meets your requirements, so you know that you can accomplish your goals by having the right evaluation."
Kelly Bauer presents Go Animate posted at shortcomp.
Finance Tips 101 presents Have You Considered Debt Consolidation? posted at Finance Tips 101.
Jennifer in OR presents Text Messaging: Concerns for the Adolescent posted at Diary of 1.
Carol Johnston presents To Inspire a Child posted at The Median Sib.
oldandrew presents Desert Part 1: Rewards posted at Scenes From The Battleground, saying, "British blog about teaching in tough schools"
Amy Smith presents Improving Fine Motor Skills: Part II posted at Kids Love Learning.
jim pudlewski presents Will Merit Pay Make a Comeback? - Teaching Excellence Network posted at Teaching Excellence Network, saying, "Will President-elect Obama's support for merit pay cause an increase in performance based raises or bonuses?"
Britannica Blog presents Education: Test From a Curriculum, Not a List of Standards Britannica Blog posted at Britannica Blog, saying, "It has become difficult to keep track of all the things that have gone wrong with the law. States are gaming the system by lowering standards. The predicted response to “failing schools” has not come about: few students leave them, and few take advantage of tutoring services, which are, by most reports, spotty. At least some schools have responded to the law by cutting time in science, social studies, music, and art, so as to spend more time on reading and math."
hall monitor presents New York School Renames Itself For Obama posted at, saying, "Is it a little too early to start naming everything after Obama?"
Tony Huynh presents 8 Ways to Make Your Goal a Certainty posted at, saying, "People will allow themselves to be pushed around and bullied in order to remain comfortable. People will act in a painful situation to ease the pain or remove the source of that pain. Security and comfort is not afforded by a job, it is provided by your ability to produce."
Michelle Bourgeois presents Bloomin Web Tools posted at Milobo's Musings, saying, "Linking web tools to Bloom's Taxonomy. Includes explanations and classroom examples."
Marjorie presents Should I Homeschool My 16 Year Old? posted at The Life Without School Community Blog, saying, "Thanl you."
bookfundas presents Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Transmission Line Theory and Microwave Applications - DOWNLOAD eBOOK NOW..! posted at, saying, "This book presents an original generalized transmission line approach associated with non-resonant structures that exhibit larger bandwidths, lower loss, and higher design flexibility. It is based on the novel concept of composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line metamaterials (MMs), which has led to the development of novel guided-wave, radiated-wave, and refracted-wave devices and structures. This engineering approach to metamaterials paves the way for a new generation of microwave and photonic devices and structures. It is recommended for electrical engineers, as well as physicists and optical engineers, with an interest in practical negative refractive index structures and materials."
Heather Wolpert-Gawron presents Second-Career Teachers?Aren?t we All? posted at
Mister Teacher presents Tagging the playground posted at Learn Me Good.
Bill Ferriter presents Writing Student Friendly Learning Goals posted at The Tempered Radical, saying, "The Tempered Radical explores the process of writing and posting student friendly learning goals---and then hears from a dozen readers interested in the same topic!"
woodlassnyc presents Keeping it on full boil posted at Under Assault: Teaching in NYC.
woodlass presents L, E, A — Phooey! posted at Under Assault: Teaching in NYC.
bookfundas presents Cisco Networking Simplified, 2nd Edition: DOWNLOAD eBOOK NOW..! posted at, saying, "Unlike the vast array of networking books written by geeks for geeks, this book was written for you and for anyone who wants to understand the computer networking phenomenon that has taken the world by storm. (In other words, it’s by geeks for non-geeks.) We understand that the vast majority of people working in this industry are not networking experts and that it is difficult to understand complex technical and business issues before knowing the answers to such questions"
Carol Richtsmeier presents Thanksgiving Break, Magic Things & Miracles posted at Bellringers.
John Holland presents Hart & Risley Turned Inside Out posted at Inside Pre-K, saying, "Harvard Business school professor's ideas attacked by preschoolers."
Jeff Lambert presents Teachers Next on the Budget Chopping Block? posted at Living in Dialogue, saying, "Anthony Cody predicts that teachers won't escape the financial crisis, even with a friendly administration in Washington."
Jeff Lambert presents HALLELUJAH! posted at Eduholic, saying, "Emmet Rosenfeld is celebrating his new status as a National Board Certified Teacher."
PicktheBrain presents 10 Ways to E-Boost Your Brain posted at Ace Online Schools.
Mike Holden presents Can We Reform Title II posted at DoE- Dave on Ed.
Darren presents Backpacks and Lockers posted at Right on the Left Coast: Views From a Conservative Teacher, saying, "Glad to see the founder hosting the carnival again! (Hopefully my post isn't too controversial!)" EdWonk's note: We like controversy!
Jim McGuire presents Why Student Success in Reading Workshop is So Important posted at The Reading Workshop, saying, "Thanks for considering this post for the next carnival."
Robert Pondiscio presents Now How Much Would You Pay? But Wait, There’s More!! posted at The Core Knowledge Blog, saying, "A California teacher has started selling ad space on his tests and quizzes. But why stop there? Turn your classroom into a cash cow. Product placements! Endorsements! Naming rights!"
Khan presents Study your objectives carefully before accepting an unpaid internship posted at Higher Education and Career Blog, saying, "For every 10 internships that exploit students and recent grads, there are one or two positions that fork over some dough."
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