The Carnival Of Education: Week 137

Here's the very latest roundup of entries from around the EduSphere. Unless clearly labeled otherwise, all entries this week were submitted by the writers themselves.
Folks interested in hosting an edition of the C.O.E. should please let us know via this email address: owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net.
Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about last week's midway, which was hosted over at History is Elementary. Visit the C.O.E.'s early archives here, later archives there, and see our latest entries here.
Next Week's Carnival will be hosted by Global Citizenship in a Virtual World. Contributors are invited to send their submissions to: gxeremio [at] gmail [dot] com , or use this handy submission form. Entries should be received no later than 9:00 PM (Eastern) 6:00 PM (Pacific) Tuesday, September 25, 2007. Please include the title of your post, and its URL, if possible. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the midway should open next Wednesday morning.
Let the free exchange of thoughts and ideas begin!
EduPolicy And EduPolicy Makers:
When it comes to EduResearch, Hube at The Colossus of Rhodey reminds us that what one sees (or wants to see) isn't necessarily what one gets.
Bill Ferriter of The Tempered Radical has sent us this piece about a first year teacher working in a high needs school that illustrates the challenge of recruiting and retaining teachers to those schools that need them the most. (With ever-high performance expectations, is it really so surprising that so many young and talented educators move-on after only a few years in the classroom?)
See what happened when one North Carolina (!) public school banned the wearing of the American Flag on students' clothing.
New York City teacher Jose Vilson lets us know in no uncertain terms that classroom teaching would be much more satisfying if everyone did their jobs. Meanwhile, NYC-based Education Notes Online awards the "Broad Prize" for destroying public education to ______.
While unpacking an editorial that appeared in the Tulsa World, Ken DeRosa of D-Ed Reckoning makes the case that poverty is no reason for poor performance. On the other side of the coin, Uncle Charley of Headfirstcolorado urges us to remember that the parents also must play their part in order to promote successful student outcomes.
Should highly-effective teachers receive higher compensation than their co-workers? Going to the Mat brings to our attention an idea that's once-again gaining strength in the mainstream media: teacher bonuses.
Would you believe rapper Kanye West as a spokesperson for Strong American Schools? Matthew K. Tabor makes us into believers!
Fourth-grade teacher La Maestra will soon be leaving the classroom to pursue a Ph.D. So she's been thinking about ways to improve the teaching craft. One idea that is out there is to fire many, if not most, public school teachers. Certification requirements would then be relaxed for those who would seek to enter the classroom. But Maestra wonders if that's really in the Craft's best interest...
Media Matters:
We predict that the upcoming CBS "reality" show Kid Nation is going to cause quite a stir out in the EduSphere. The
Teaching And Learning:
Should money management be taught in American high schools? Moolanomy says that it should.
Here's how to make virtual baseball-type trading cards.
Check out this fun game that helps students memorize vocabulary words. (We think that it would be best used for small-group instruction.)
The Science Goddess effectively reminds us about a most vital aspect of the grading process.
So You Want to Teach offers us 5 surefire tips for handling counterproductive student behaviors.
We find that there is just something about Ms. Teacher's place. Maybe it's that graphic or her "books I'm reading" list that has caught our eye... Anyway, Ms. Teacher has some good common-sense advice: Don't forget to forge positive relationships with students and their parents.
From The Classroom:
Isn't it funny that certain kids are always "forgetting" to bring their school books? One young football player has learned a valuable lesson: lockers aren't forever.
Measurable growth isn't just a risqué expression anymore. Mister Teacher has set himself a lofty goal indeed.
Sometimes, the desire to learn does come from the beat.
What makes for an accurate and fair teacher-generated test? Should partial credit be given? We think that The Rightwing Prof makes some good points.
What to do about students who keep trying to "borrow" the teacher's pencils? Miss! has a surefire method that's as humorous as it is practical.
Testing And Technology:
LeaderTalk asks a thought-provoking question: with all this time-saving technology at our fingertips, do we risk losing "the human touch" that is so necessary for educators? On the other hand, The Fischbowl wonders if it would be OK for a teacher to be technologically illiterate?
Here's a roundup of the 10 best Facebook applications to use and 3 that should be avoided. (Find out for yourself what "Roshambull" is...)
We agree with AlexLandis: the two-tier internet is indeed a threat.
What will they think od next? How about an accurate self-assessment of one's own learning style?
Inside This Teaching Life:
Speaking from experience, Darren of Right on the Left Coast has some definite ideas about cheaters and cheating, while Minnesota's IB a Math Teacher is about to expose a cheater that she has caught.
A question that cuts to the soul of just about every public school teacher out there: why is staff development so bad?
Mamacita shares some not-so-fond memories of those
Parent And Student Survival Guide:
Could the high college dropout rate be due to less-than-effective high school guidance counsellors? Some food for thought...
When is young too young for somebody's daughter to be a runway model? Humbly submitted for your consideration is our entry about a young Australian girl who has
Homeschoolers And Homeschooling:
Kate shares with us her reasons for homeschooling three and pre-homeschooling 3 more.
First: there was homeschooling. Then: there was unschooling. And now, we have been introduced to Radical Unschooling.
Cindy has a brief comparison of "child-led" and "interest-based" approaches to the teaching of children.
Higher Education:
Consider taking a look at 10 common-sense suggestions for getting free (or nearly free) college textbooks. (I must draw the line, however, at number #5-- "dorm dumpster diving.)
An interesting concept: college credit for life experiences.
What are the top-10 college majors? Go here and find out!
International Perspectives:
Montreal EduBlogger Siobhan Curious lets us know that late adolescents aren't just making career choices but life choices as well.
British-based Scenes From the Battleground continues to dispel the myth that state-run English schools are somehow better than their American counterparts with their latest entry.
Now here's an idea whose time has come: getting European and American schools to coordinate class credit, curricula, and calendars by 2010.
Inside The Blogs:
Who would have ever thought that the National PTA could be a shill for some giant eastern
Secondhand Thoughts has a great first hand idea: the presentation of an award each Wednesday.
When it comes to safeguarding the lives of students, this is what happens when a school is too slow in making a life-or-death decision.
And now the time has come for a little brain food. Or would that be food for the brain?
Is online learning right for you? The title says it all...
Here's a BIG list of online resources for self-directed learners. Enjoy.
And finally: This, like nearly all of our journeys around the EduSphere, has been both enjoyable and informative. We continue to thank all the contributors whose submissions make the midway's continuing success possible, the folks who give of their time to help spread the word, and the readers who continue to make it A Free Exchange of Thoughts and Ideas
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