Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Extra Credit Reading: Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Is it EduFraud or a horrible case of Fuzzy Math Gone Wild? In Florida, 1000s of students have gone missing!

The recent electoral defeat sustained by the G.O.P. continues to be the inspiration for quite of bit of navel-gazing on both sides of the aisle. Democrat Martin Frost, who is a former U.S. Congressman and is current Fox News Channel contributor, represents his party's view on the proposed renewal of the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

Meanwhile, America's EduCrat-in-Chief Margaret Spellings and Friends continue their taxpayer-funded sight-seeing junket goodwill tour of China, Korea, Japan, and other points in the Far East.

In the nation's capital, superintendent of schools Clifford B. Janey wants to relocate his administrative headquarters in order to actually save money. Instead of being on the receiving end of praise, he finds himself in a controversy.

Edspresso presents a roundup which shows us why those who favor school choice have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Heh. Did you know that childhood obesity begins in the womb?

From the people who brought us those numismatic failures the Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea dollar coins, we'll soon have an entire set of dollar coins that won't circulate either. (When will those boneheads bureaucrats over at the U.S. mint finally learn that when it comes to coins, size does matter: folks don't want dollar coins that are the size of quarters! They're just too easy to spend by mistake...)

With a new movie about the assassination of Robert Kennedy to be released on Thursday, I thought it somewhat odd to learn that construction has just started on a school that is to be built on the site of the Ambassador Hotel, where the crime was committed.
Carnival of Education entries are due today. See our latest EduPosts here and yesterday's Extra Credit Reading there.