NBC's Teachers: In Bad Need Of Extra Credit

We predicted that the show would soon be suspended and then expelled by the district's governing board of trustees.
The reviews are in, and it would appear that we may have been right. Take your pick: San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, Desert News, (who gave the show an "F") Orlando Sentinal, and the Kansas City Star.
But not all the reviews were negative. Barry Garron, over at MSNBC rather likes the show and thinks that it has some potential. Newsday's Verne Gay says, "Teachers isn't half-bad" and likens the show to, "Boston Public with a laugh track."
I guess that I'll just have to take a look for myself.
Update:(PM) We just finished viewing the episode. The only joke that I found amusing was when the stereotypically clueless principal told the buxom newly-hired teacher to "Draw the curtain on the burlesque show," as a way of saying "cover-up your cleavage." As for the rest, I offer-up this prayer to one of the Dark Lords Of Network Television:
O'Dark Prince Of The Peacock Network, Please preserve us from this dumb, cliché-filled, poorly-written, poorly-acted, and unfunny program masquerading-as-comedic-entertainment. If it be your will, make the Nielson Families both blind and apathetic to such idiocy, so that the ratings stay low and result in its swift and just cancellation.Heh. If it weren't for all the predictably unfunny sexual innuendo and sight-gags, (Such as drinking beers in the classroom.) Teachers might conceivably have some life in the network's Saturday morning lineup.
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