Thursday, February 09, 2006

All Blogs Bulletin: There's BlogRustling In The EduSphere!

We have received the distressing news (via email) that a hijacker somehow penetrated Blogger's defenses and has taken-over Scheiss Weekly. This site, which is published by our good friend Mamacita, is now under the control of an imposter. The password system has been compromised and Mamacita is now locked out of her own weblog.

All attempts to contact Blogger in order to seek a satisfactory resolution to this hostile takeover of one of the EduSphere's mainstays have been unsuccessful.

Perhaps a different approach may yield more productive results. Folks desiring to help Mamacita recover her weblog are invited to drop the writers of Blogger's official weblog Blogger Buzz a few lines
right here in order to express their concerns.

All of us hope that Mamacita speedily recovers control of her own site and begins publishing again soon.

Update: (2/10) Great News- Control has been reestablished; the invader has been expelled. What was once Mamacita's, is now Mamacita's again!
See this week's Carnival Of Education right here and our latest education-related posts over there.