The Carnival Of Education: Week 51
Welcome to this week's edition of The Carnival Of Education. The midway's exhibits are grouped into several categories and were submitted by the writers unless labeled otherwise.
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Special Announcement: Next week's midway will be hosted over at Diane Weir on Education. Please send contributions to: dweir-westford [at] comcast [dot] net with Carnival 51 in the subject line. Submissions should be received no later than 5:00 PM (Eastern) Tuesday, January 31st. Please include the title of your post, and its URL, if possible. The midway should open over at Diane's place next Wednesday morning.
Last week's midway is here. See the complete set of archives there. For our latest posts, please visit our home page.
Let the free exchange of thoughts and ideas begin...
Education Policy:
The state of Florida says that it has enough money to issue each teacher a laptop computer. Or give their teachers a pay raise. But the state government says that there's not enough for both. Which would you choose?
Writing at his blog, Get on the Bus, this post by Scott Elliott, education reporter of the Dayton Daily News is a must read. The title says it all: Is It All About The Money? Agree or disagree, your thoughts will be provoked.
Opening a brand-new public charter school is a meticulous process involving (among other things) personnel, plant, and curricula. Principal Chris Lehman, of Philadelphia's soon-to-open Science Leadership Academy, lets you have the inside scoop on what makes for a relevant high school English curriculum.
When students don't learn, who is ultimately accountable? Always a controversial topic, Education Matters doesn't hesitate to take on the issue. Here's one key phrase from the post: "You want accountability? Measure students every year, and start taking names."
When it comes to paying for campus improvements, those charged with school oversight must oftentimes strike a balance between beauty and utility when it comes to paying for new school buildings. Next week's midway host Diane Weir offers some sound reasoning on striking that balance.
Here's an interesting educational practice: In a certain eastern state, high school students who maintain a "B" average and obtain a certain minimum score on the ACT don't have to pay college tuition. Now 60% of high school graduates are attending college. Find out how this is done over at Don Surber's place.
There is a fierce debate going on in education circles over the possible need to adopt a set of national subject-area standards. But the forward-thinking Spunkyhomeschool is way ahead of the curve. Here's a peek:
Maybe we ought to just have the UN establish a Department of Education. That way we can have global standards and everyone everywhere can learn the same things. Oh wait, Bill Gates already thought of that. He is already working with UNESCO to develop and implement global curriculum and standards. Beginning with universal primary education. Bummer, he always thinks up the good ideas first. And now maybe the Koreans won't have to leave Korea to get the same education as the Americans. We will truly become a world where....Editor's Choice: While the National Education Association continues to ignore calls (here, here, and especially, over there) for the sponsorship of a comments-enabled NEA weblog, The American Federation of Teachers, which is the nation's second-largest teachers union, continues to expand its presence in the EduSphere with a brand-new blog that encourages discussion of issues related to the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Say hello to: NCLBlog.
Many school districts are locked in protracted battles over when to start the school year. Why? Many argue that earlier starting dates help raise test scores. But others are convinced that the first day of school should be late August or even early September. Rhymes With Right explores both sides of the issue.
Critical Mastiff points out that the we are using an outdated model for educating our young people. Many would agree. But instead of merely pointing out the obvious, CM proposes an exhaustively-written remedy.
Would you believe, of all things, that differing religious beliefs and practices has become a source of concern in, of all places, Scotland's education system? Believe it!
Humbly submitted for your approval is our post announcing new federal requirements that public schools which participate in the National School Lunch Program formulate what are known as "student wellness policies" to combat the epidemic of student obesity.
Teaching and Learning:
One of my favorite movies has always been "Cool Hand Luke." In a highly readable post, The Reflective Teacher uses this classic motion-picture and the hit movie "Napoleon Dynamite" to teach metaphors. Some might compare Luke's world with their own school experiences...
Lisa asked her students a thought-provoking question: "How do you know if someone is smart?" The answers may surprise you...
In the modern world, what happens when a math teacher catches a student being truant on test day? Why, the student's mother gets mad at the teacher that's what happens!
Fewer kids seem to interested in choosing a career in a science-related field. Why is that? The Goddess examines the problem and tells us of a great science lesson for the first day of school.
It looks as though some journalists are mathematically challenged. I wonder why that is?
Is it possible to fall in love with a blog template? The Median Sib has a great one, and she also has some great teaching ideas about using Sign Language for Reading Strategies.
Are student-written classroom journals always a good thing? Multiple Mentality looks at the pros-and-cons. And lets us know what an "anablog" is.
I firmly believe that the best teachers are also active learners. In a two-parter, A History Teacher has recently reached some milestones and is now reflecting on the past and thinking about the future.
Higher Education:
With our 14-year old daughter (the TeenWonk) approaching her college years, anything about the rapidly rising cost of a college education deserves our closest attention. Costs are increasing much faster than the overall inflation rate and Political Calculations offers an original theory as to the cause.
The Collegiate Way invites readers to stop in and "read the latest news on the global trend to improve campus life by creating small, diverse, faculty-led residential colleges within
large universities."
Testing And Technology:
At Education in Texas, they've put together a handy set of easy step-by-step instructions that will let your computer generate a "readability score" for most documents written in Microsoft Word. (I tried this myself, and it works! Sweet.)
Survival Guide for Students and Parents:
Reader Liz D. sent us this interesting post from Odd Time Signatures. It's about how a student blossomed in his sophomore year after he started receiving instruction more suited to his learning style.
Have you ever wondered how some teachers design certain tests and how savvy students can prepare for 'em? Darren, over at Right on the Left Coast, gives us the skinny on a time-honored technique that can benefit one in school.... and out.
The Secret Lives Of Teachers:
Have you ever attended a staff meeting that seemingly has no positive value? Muse, who teaches in Israel, attended a recent staff meeting armed with an undefeatable coping strategy only to learn that there could be no possible way to cope with this outcome.
I think that just about every teacher who has ever taught for any length of time can appreciate this post by Polski3. Who says that one can ever have too much of a good thing?
Inside The EduBlogs:
Here's a great idea that I wish that I had thought of first. Matt Johnston, of Going to the Mat, is conducting a series of Blog Reviews. In this week's entry, Matt takes a look at next week's Carnival host, Diane Weir on Education.
Editor's Choice: Don't miss the fourth edition of The Carnival of Homeschooling over at The Common Room.
And finally: As always, this journey around the EduSphere has been both enjoyable and informative. Thanks to all the contributors whose submissions make the midway's continuing success possible and all the readers who make it rewarding.
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