Who Is Accountable For This?
When the school system of Clark County, Nevada needs to hire hundreds of substitute teachers on the first day of school due to unfilled teaching vacancies, something is seriously wrong with the system: (emphasis added)
Clark County's teacher shortage is prompting the school district to call a large number of substitute teachers into service for this first day of school.All that is needed to get a job as a substitute in Clark County is a bachelor's in anything or 62 semester units of college, six of which must be in education.
Jordan Adams says the first day of school didn't go too bad. "I liked it because I got to talk to the kids on a one-to-one basis." Jordan is a substitute teacher at Cheyenne High School. She's one of 418 substitutes who reported to work today at Clark County schools. Normally subs are brought in for a day or a week. Jordan is here through late October.
Applications are being accepted.
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