Girls Wearing "Boy Bashing" Apparel: Where Is The P.C. Crowd?

This stuff is being peddled by a company named David & Goliath (See Wall Street Journal article about the firm and its 36 year-old owner, Todd Goldman, right here.) and is aimed at teenage girls.
The Fox segment was shot at a boutique in Woodmere, New York, named Beautiful Girl. This shop specializes in sales of "boy bashing" merchandise. The store has been selling lots of it.
Among the articles offered for sale by David & Goliath is the book Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks At Them. Inside this book readers are told:
Girls are bundles of joy and gifts from heaven. Boys pick their nose in front of 7-Eleven.
Girls smell sweet like fresh-cut flowers. Boys smell like doodie and never take showers.
It ends with: Just remember. For every stupid, smelly, cootie-ridden boy, there is a rock.
David and Goliath also features a variety of t-shirts, robes, and accessories that assure us:
- Boys are stupid.
- Boys are smelly.
- Boys have "cooties."
- Boys should have rocks thrown at them.
On the company's web site, girls are encouraged to submit "Stupid Boy Stories:"
The website even features an "arcade" where players (presumedly female) throw cartoon rocks at cartoon boys, hitting them about the head and knocking them unconscious. The rules (for the several scenarios) are simple:Know any boys? They are stupid!
Just tell us about a boy that you know and how stupid he is and we might just put your story in our new catalogue or on the web site.
Tell us about that dumb boyfriend, stupid boy at school or gross brother so everyone can see how stupid they really are.
Hit 10 Boys in 60 seconds. You only have 40 rocks to throw, so use them wisely! See if you can make it to the final level.
Now I know what you might be thinking: "Don't be so sensitive EdWonk, this is just girls having a little fun. No real boys were harmed."
That is true.
But could you imagine what the outcry would be if it were the boys who were wearing the shirts and the girls who were the targets of those rocks?
Where is the outrage from the Politically Correct Crowd?
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