Another Sequence Of Events: The "Boys" Of Phi Kappa Tau

1. Because of a series of scandals in the 2003-2004 school year that involved fraternities, the entire fraternity/sorority system had been put on notice at the start of the 2004/2005 school year that there were to be no more shenanigans of any kind.
2. The brothers of Phi Kappa Tau reckoned that this warning did not apply to them.
3. In November of 2004, Phi Kappa Tau invited an adult video company to drop by and shoot some scenes at the frat house. This particular company, Shane's World, specializes in videotaping adult videos on college campuses.
4. During the filming, certain members of the fraternity take advantage of an opportunity to participate in group scenes featuring "a variety" of sexual acts with the actors and several female college students. Other members of the fraternity merely watch.
5. A member of yet another fraternity (Chi Tau) dies in a hazing incident this past February. (A pledge was forced to drink several gallons of water.) Four members of that fraternity are currently facing felony charges of involuntary manslaughter. The University's administration is not in the mood for any more scandals involving the Greek system.
6. The school recently learned about last November's "fun" at the Phi Kappa Tau house. University President Paul Zingg described himself as "disgusted" by the fraternity's behavior.
7. The
8. University President Zingg is considering the dismantling of the whole fraternity/sorority system.
Trivia: What is the English translation of the Spanish word chico?
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