The Carnival Of Education: Week 4

A word or two about the order in which the entries are presented. This week, we are posting the entries randomly.
It has been our pleasure to continue corresponding with a number of both writers and readers that care deeply about the education of our young (and not so young) people.
The First Edition of The Carnival can be seen here, the second here, and the third, there. To get to EdWonk's main page, (with a variety of education-related posts) please click here.
Submissions for next week's Carnival Of Education: Week 5 should be sent to: owlshome [at]earthlink[dot]net and should be received no later than 10:00 PM (Pacific) next Tuesday, March 08, 2005. For more information about the purpose of the carnival, click here.
Our objective is to open the carnival each Wednesday morning. Soon we will be announcing the Carnival's first road trip, as two sites have offered to host the midway.
We are very grateful to all the sites that helped "get the word out" about The Carnival. Of course, any help that may be given in "spreading the word" about this edition will also be deeply appreciated. We heartily welcome all feedback, including, (but not limited to) comments, questions, concerns, or constructive criticism.
Let's see what the midway has to offer this week:
Our first stop is a site written by a classroom teacher. At Polski3's View from Here, he comments on the need for everyone to be responsible for each child's education including the student. (Check out his New Use of the Pentagon!)
At Se Hace Camino Al Andar, they caution us that the current thrust toward systemic change of America's high schools should not mean the elimination of vocational programs.
There is an enchanting story of a nearly 100 year-old man that learned to read and write over at Pratie Place. Melinama goes on to tell us that he helped write a book detailing his many adventures.
Over at A Constrained Vision, Katie illustrates the fact that very old laws enacted for one purpose are being used today in an altogether different way in order to block school vouchers.
Student-run blogs are the topic addressed by Bud the Teacher in a well-constructed post. Consider following his link to a post by Will Richardson, of Weblog-ed. (We wish that our district allowed student blogs--Ed.)
Teacher Janet B writes The Art Of Getting By. This week, Janet points out that in New Jersey, students are now formerly assessed every nine weeks, and are constantly repeating the mantra, "The test is coming, the test is coming, the test is coming." (Think about taking a look at the large number of comments that this post has attracted.)
In a two-part post at Science And Politics, they discuss the The Question of whether or not faculties at America's colleges are truly as politically liberal as some would believe. Read part 1 here, and part 2 there.
Jenny D. thoughtfully asks if everyone in a class can get a grade of "A." As this applies to her current class of college students, she is looking for reader input. (I think that if they learn the stuff, give 'em that "A.")
Over at Shutupandteach, Joe proposes that NCLB is a construct whose aim is to produce a scenario where school vouchers become a nation-wide reality. (The page may take a little time to load. Be sure to scroll-down to "NCLB The Voucher Vehicle.")
At What It's Like on the Inside, she writes about a fellow-student that may have suffered abuse at home. Now, as a teacher, she asks us to be watchful for students in our classrooms that may be suffering abuse at home.
Tony writes A Red Mind in a Blue State. He advocates the need for effective summer reading programs and proposes an alternative for his hometown's (not-so-good) program.
At Level 5 Blog, Chris asks an intriguing question: "If there are no longer any level 5 leaders in our schools, where did they all go?" (I believe that the Concept of the Level 5 Leader merits consideration.)
In her entry of February 15th, Nicole, over at post-hip chick, has a cautionary note for textbook publishers. (Here is a peek: it involves the word "hoe.")
Chris Correa takes a look at an ambitious study that focused on students tracked (by ability) into different schools. The data produced interesting results from some surprising places.
Spunkyhomeschool addresses the topic of Equal Education. When called by another mom that was interested in home-schooling her son, Spunky asked a thought-provoking question: "Why do you want to educate your son?" (This is food for thought for all of us that teach, no matter the venue.)
A second-grade teacher in Chicago writes Stepping Stone. In a hilarious post, see what happens when a roach gets loose in his neighbor's classroom. And don't miss the invasion of the bees and spiders. (Full disclosure: Both Stepping stone and EdWonk are bilingual (Spanish) teachers on opposite sides of the country.)
Michelle Malkin lets us know about a DePaul University professor that is protesting his suspension for offending Muslim students by showing-up at a press conference, "Tied-up and wearing duct tape across his mouth to protest his censorship." (EdWonk's Note: This post submitted by us here at the 'Wonks.)
Over at News, the Universe, and Everything, Quincy asks a very interesting question: "What happens if a child leaves himself behind?"
The suspension of Temple basketball Coach John Chaney is discussed over at Precinct 333. Apparently, Chaney was suspended because he ordered one of his players to engage in "rough play."
Leaning Matters is written by a school administrator in the heartland. In a thoughtful post, Stiles writes about the purpose of assessment in our schools.
At Assorted Stuff, they weigh in on Bill Gates' remarks about American high schools being "obsolete." (I wonder how many times Bill has asked, "Why didn't you do your homework?" heh.)
Joanne Jacobs is telling us how K-12 teachers in Berkeley are not giving homework to students until they get a pay raise.
Over at Parent Pundit they elaborate on Time Magazine's article called, "Parents vs. The School." (Think about taking a look at four types of behavior: Producer, Administrator, Entrepreneur, and Integrator.)
Clarence is a teacher living in Canada who writes at a site called Remote Access. Clarence wrestles with another of education's Eternal Questions: "Do systems of education have a Vision?"
Writing from North Carolina, The Charlotte Capitalist offers some options for those that may be seeking alternatives to Charlotte-Mecklenburg's public school system. Even though tailored to the Charlotte area, there are some ideas that may have applications in other locales. (I have never seen this type of graphic layout on a Blogger site.)
After a hiatus, Lisa is again posting over at Education Weak. She gives us her take on The Rubber Band Story.
At Gully Brook Press, Gina tells us about how some of her students have been particularly challenging. (What is a teacher to do when the student's won't read the material and are proud of the fact?)
Over at Illuminaria's Voice, they sound the alarm about a very serious behavior that is commonly observed today: children that engage in self-cutting. (Please consider reading this important post.)
At The Blessings of Liberty, writer W.B. Rodgers makes a couple of suggestions for improving public education.
Here at The Education Wonks, we offer our own post titled: "Some High Schools Just Saying "No" To Military Recruiters."
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