Thursday, February 17, 2005

Al Franken Said It First

Bring On O'Reilly!
All of us have a few vices. There is something in our day to day life that we....would rather our neighbors or co-workers... not know about. As I have confessed in the past, I have been known to listen to Al Franken every now and then.

Even though I almost always disagree politically with what he says, he does articulate his political positions well, and sometimes he does it in an entertaining way.

Today was one of those days that I happened to tune in to The Al Franken Show, just as I heard him say another of those things with which I disagree.

Franken said, at 10:35 AM (Pacific) that he had coined the term "Blogilantes." Of course he was applying the term to those Blogs that had (rightfully) brought both the Rather and Jordan affairs to the forefront of public consciousness. Franken, of course, was not happy that the targets of the "Blog Swarm" had been folks that often support the same political viewpoints that he does.

If the exposing of waste, fraud, corruption, and criminal wrong-doing (especially committed against children) by those in the Education Craft makes me a "Blogilante," then I guess that's what I am.

I wear the label with a certain pride.

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