Inappropriate Prom Dress
Inappropriate Prom Dress

As a classroom teacher that has chaperoned many school dances, I can say that such an outfit as this would not make it past the front door at any school-sponsored function in our mid-sized south-western California school district.
That's because we live in a relatively conservative enclave in a state noted for its liberalism.
Having said that, over on the more "cosmopolitan" (sorry!) coast it may be a completely different story. There are some school districts that would probably admit a female wearing such a "dress," especially if the parents insisted, (after spending nearly $500.00) or threatened the principal with a complaint to the district's superintendent and/or governing board.
Most California school administrators will do almost anything to avoid being the subject of a written parent complaint, as such complaints are likely to damage the administrator's prospects for promotion.
Allowing the wearer to enter the prom will raise a number of eyebrows and set tongues waging, but will not likely result in any formal complaints.
Update: TeenWonk just chimed in with a "No way would I wear that dress." (The WifeWonk and myself are relieved....)
Other Commentary: Michelle over at A Small Victory is also relieved. Wizbang! has an outstanding post that raises the possibility that this is a hoax!
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