Extra Credit Reading: Saturday, November 11, 2006

New Hampshire high school athlete Matthew Keene suffered a heart attack while on the playing field and was then revived by school personnel using a portable defibrillator. Keen is urging their adoption by all schools. (Why on Earth don't all schools have this apparatus as well as staff trained in its use? Come to think of it, why aren't all teachers well-trained in First Aid?)
I'm glad that this deer made it.
Here is a roundup of ideas for school fundraising including: naming rights for buildings and courtyards, brass plaques on auditorium chairs, and "named bricks in a patio."
With rapidly-rising energy costs taking-up larger chunks of a school's budget, some campuses are adopting effective conservation techniques.
From our What On Earth Were They Thinking? Department we have received news that the Chinese government is actually considering urging students to chew gum in school.
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