Joanne Jacobs In San Diego!

I'll be talking about my book, Our School, at 9 and 10:30 am, more or less, on Tuesday, Oct. 24 at the National Association of Charter School Authorizers conference in San Diego. I'll talk on charter school leadership after lunch on Thursday, Oct. 26 at the League of Colorado Charter Schools Conference in Denver. I'll have some time in Denver to get together with readers and/or bloggers. We're not leaving till Saturday.We liked her book so much that we bought two of them. Get your own copy for the low-low Amazon price of $17.22 right here.
If you'd like an autographed copy of the book, e-mail me at joanne at joannejacobs dot com. It makes a lovely gift for that teacher, parent or student in your life.
Get conference info here, and a schedule of events there.
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