Tales From The Trenches: Classroom Teachers Speak

Learning Curves is written by Rudbeckia H., who teaches college-level Math. In a recent post, she answers a variety of commonly asked questions that are on the minds of some students at this time of year. Here is a taste:
Mr. Babylon has been teaching Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of the Amontillado to his classes in New York City's Bronx. Learn the strange tales that came from the pens of his students, including that of one student who invented a bizarre story in which the student got Mr. Babylon drunk and buried him alive because he had stolen his girlfriend, porn star Jenna Jameson.Q: I've failed precalculus twice, but I think I'm passing this time. The University says that you can only take a lower division course three times. Can I take calculus in the fall?
A: Yes, but not the section that meets MWRF at 9:05 in room 127.
When a student is getting an "F" and it's time to make a recommendation for next year's placement, what's a high school English teacher to do? The problem is that the student is capable of doing better than would be indicated by the "F." Nicole is confronting this ethical dilemma over at Post-Hip Chick.
The hot topic of student blogging is on the mind of Bud The Teacher. He takes a well-reasoned look at some of the issues that are raised when students write their own blogs. (We wish that our district allowed students to have their own blogs. *sigh*) Bud has already gotten his students up and writing theirs. See his announcement here. Then go and see the blogs there.
Before she left for San Francisco, students at Ms. Frizzle's junior high school participated in "Poem In Your Pocket Day" as part of National Poetry Month. Consider taking a look at how Ms. Frizzle participated herself. (We think it's good when a teacher models desired student behavior by taking part themselves.)
The newest addition to the EduSphere is The Daily Grind, which is written by a Washington State teacher named Mr. McNamar. The Grind takes a look at one of the Eternal Questions that is often on the minds of educators: Do students and the public perceive teachers differently when teachers "dress-up" by wearing business attire?
Jennifer, the Ramblin Educat, had a very long first hour. It was the day for kids to deliver speeches for class elections, and (naturally enough) the students were a little shy. The classroom conversation became very one-sided. At one point, a tumbleweed blew across the room, breaking the silence.
In a very thought-provoking and well-reasoned post, A School Yard Blog examines the vital need for teachers to look at their students through un-biased eyes. ASYB also reminds us of an important concept: that sometimes, "You forget to find the small, beautiful part of the day."
At Unicycle, newly-wed Rachel has just written 52 (!!) thank-you notes. With a graduate project soon due and a presentation to plan for, how is Rachel going to find enough time to do all the sewing that she wants to get done? The fabrics are just piling-up..
Finally, here at The Education Wonks, we offer our take on the sad story of the 5-year-old Florida girl that was handcuffed and detained by the police after refusing to comply with the directives of two very patient (and professional) educators.
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